Partial Discharge FAQ
09 February 2023
Brad Monaghan

Background noise generally does not pose an issue as long as the field personnel knows how to deal with it. Transient Earth Voltage (TEV), Ultrasonic, UHF and Cable PD (HFCT) test techniques each have their own frequency spectrum of detection, therefore can detect different types of background noise.
It is rare to get high enough levels of background noise that will stop you from carrying out Partial Discharge (PD) testing. That being said, if background noise poses a challenge, here are some ways you can deal with it:
➤ TEV: Use time of flight TEV location for direction of travel toward sources. Utilise pattern recognition/algorithms.
➤ Ultrasonic: Noise produced by PD has its own distinct characteristics and can easily be identified through a crackling sound (similar to a sizzling frying pan). Hence, we will be able to hear PD because of its unique sound characteristics. Again, utilise pattern recognition/algorithms.
➤ UHF: Tune away from narrow band transmission frequencies when using UHF. Scanning in a quiet part of the UHF spectrum assists greatly. Utilise pattern recognition.
➤ Cable PD (HFCT): Apply different filters when using HFCTs. Utilise pattern recognition.
To learn more about PD testing gadgets, check out our high voltage (HV) solutions.
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