Case Study: Open Energy Networks Project (OpEN) - with ENA and AEMO
11 November 2021
EA Technology
Energy Networks Australia (ENA)
Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)
Energy Networks Australia (ENA) and the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) launched the Open Energy Networks Project (OpEN-PRJ) in 2018 through a joint consultation paper seeking stakeholder input on how best to integrate the increasing penetration of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) into Australia’s electricity system in order to bring short and long-term benefits to customers, irrespective of whether they possess DER assets or not.
The project seeks to understand what roles a future Distribution System Operator (DSO) and AEMO should play in the future energy system to ensure that value is returned to all customers; connected at both the transmission and distribution level. It investigates four network frameworks that can facilitate market access for all stakeholders (DER owners, aggregators, network operators, etc) while ensuring that the integrity and security of the network is preserved, maintaining a safe and reliable power supply for all. These frameworks are interchangeably referred to as DER and DSO frameworks.
We supported the client in this work through the following activities:
- Creating high-level DSO frameworks through: research and analysis of current thinking on potential future DSO frameworks and transition programmes; critique and enhancement of client DSO frameworks based on our experience and research undertaken; and production of high-level narratives and visual representations of the client’s four DSO frameworks.
- Developing a detailed market-agnostic SGAM through: assessing the standard structure of the SGAM framework to ensure it is fit for purpose for the architectural representation of the client’s future DSO frameworks; modifying and enhancing, where appropriate, the standard structure of the SGAM; and working collaboratively with stakeholders to deliver the end state of the market-agnostic SGAM framework.
- Developing functional requirements of DSO through: collaborative stakeholder workshops investigating the 13 key functions and associated activates pertaining to each of the four ‘DER and DSO frameworks’; exploration and further development of the functions and activities into processes between actors.
- Producing SGAM frameworks for DSO frameworks through: transposing each future DSO framework together with its market arrangements, actors, roles, relationships and functional requirements onto the market agnostic SGAM framework so that all interactions within and across the SGAM layers are comprehensively represented.