Our Global HR Director - Lynne Sampson on our mission and what we are doing at EA Technology for social responsibility.

Climate change is everyone’s business. It is also our business. Our mission is “to promote the development of resilient, accessible, low-cost energy networks globally, accelerating the transition to energy decarbonisation”. It’s in our DNA and we are passionate about it!
We educate and facilitate the introduction of low carbon technologies. We work collaboratively with Regulators, organisations and partners to manage the effects of climate change. We make it our business to deliver innovative solutions to operators of power networks globally. We help accelerate progress towards clean growth, adaptation and resilience of energy networks.
We think global. We act local. Our head office is located close to one of the UK’s largest industrial green-house gas emitters in Ellesmere Port’s industrial region. Our CEO, Robert Davis, helped establish and co-chair’s Cheshire’s Sustainability and Inclusion commission, fusing local government policy with the businesses and communities it serves
We have pledged decarbonisation of our buildings (stores and offices) and began decarbonising a legacy building in April 2020. We continue to invest in this with the aim of making it net zero with features including EV charging points, PV panels on the roof, a ground source heating system, LED lighting and an energy storage facility. We are openly sharing our decarbonisation journey, documenting it as a blueprint, paving the way for others to adopt as they look embark on their decarbonisation journey and retrofit their own legacy buildings.
Our planet and Our future are Our responsibility. Time doesn’t give refunds - we need to act now. We are greater than the sum of our parts and together we can be the difference that makes the change.