2023 CIRED Conference Recap
08 August 2023
EA Technology
Joanne Peacock and Thomas Stone represented EA Technology at the 2023 CIRED conference in Rome, Italy, from June 12th-15th, 2023. This conference provided valuable insights into the latest advancements in the electricity distribution sector across Europe and globally.
One of the highlights of the conference for EA Technology was Joanne's presentation on the paper titled "Making The Most of Existing Data – A Data Lake Approach to Risk Quantification." The following day, Joanne delivered a poster presentation on the same topic, as well as another related paper titled "A Long-term Risk-based Approach to Investment Optimisation." These presentations emphasised the importance of utilising a central data repository to fully leverage information for making informed decisions about power networks. By employing risk-based methodologies, asset managers can effectively communicate the value of their assets throughout the organisation.
On day 2, Thomas presented a poster on the paper "SILVERSMITH - An Investigation Into Low Voltage Network Management." This paper highlighted key findings from the SILVERSMITH project, which identified cost-effective technologies to facilitate the uptake of low carbon technologies on the low voltage network. More information about the SILVERSMITH project, including comprehensive reports, can be found on the National Grid website: National Grid - Solving Intelligent LV - Evaluating Responsive Smart Management to Increase Total Headroom (SILVERSMITH).
During the final session of the conference, Thomas discussed the results of a winter flexibility services trial in Northern Ireland, focusing on the paper titled "FLEX - Winter Trial of Flexibility Services in Northern Ireland.
For more information about any of the presentations delivered at CIRED, please contact us or schedule a consultation with our experts. Contact Us.