Network Innovation | EA Technology
+44 (0) 151 339 4181

Network Innovation

  • 30 July 2020

  • EA Technology


Our position at the forefront of network innovation means that we are uniquely placed to offer services to network operators, regulators and technology providers in:

  • Defining business strategy and establishing the benefits of adopting novel approaches
  • Carrying out managed trials and pilot projects on the distribution network
  • Taking the outcomes form innovative projects and developing them into business-as-usual practices ready for instant adoption to deliver value

At EA Technology we know that innovation is not all about trialling new approaches on the networks, but is a much wider issue.We classify this as Define – Deploy – Embed.


Using world-leading techno-economic modelling we can construct business cases and assess the likely benefits of innovative approaches.We also construct innovation strategies and roadmaps that demonstrate the way in which value can be developed through a coordinated approach to the trialling and adoption of new practices.Furthermore, we are at the forefront of the transition to Distribution System Operator (DSO), advising global clients on how they can adapt their business to create opportunities for new revenue streams while improving the experience of customers and other stakeholders.


We are the only third party organisation to have led the end to end management and delivery of innovation projects under GB’s regulatory model (My Electric Avenue and OpenLV) on behalf of a network operator.Our unique insight into the successful design, operation and management of large scale trials of innovative approaches, with a keen on emphasis on delivering value for both networks and customers makes us uniquely well-positioned to provide these services.


The innovation journey does not end at the completion of a trial.For a project to truly be successful, the outcomes must be integrated into business-as-usual and be adopted throughout the organisation.Innovation cannot exist in isolation, it requires all aspects of the business to buy into new approaches and ways of working through policy development and training.Our expertise in creating policies and rolling out training to staff who have not been directly involved in the innovation process, in projects such as Customer-Led Network Revolution and New Thames Valley Vision demonstrates our ability to prove the enduring value of innovation.

Network Transformation

We have worked on the world’s leading techno-economic modelling tool for electricity networks as part of an’ Investment in Smart Grids’ project. The Transform Model®, determines the best investments for network operators to ensure that the grid can sufficiently meet the demands of the network in the future (looking at every year from now until 2050), in the most cost effective way possible.The Transform Model® is utilised on license by all GB Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) as well as various international deployments, including New Zealand and Northern Ireland.

Mark Sprawson
Commercial Director