VisNet Design
26 May 2021
Chris Lowsley
VisNet Design will design new network connections using industry standard calculations. These connections range from a simple service connection for a new property to an entire network built out from a substation.
VisNet Design has an intuitive and easy-to-use user interface to allow network designs to be created quickly, with all required information presented through the user interface to allow easy assessment of results and iteration if required. This new tool will significantly shorten the length of time it takes to go from initial request to fully costed design.
Low carbon technologies and local generation are putting more and more strain on electrical networks. Network designers need to quickly assess the impact of new connections so that the network can be adapted to meet the customer’s needs safely and at the lowest possible cost. It is an essential tool for electrical network operators, connection providers, contractors and design consultants.
VisNet Design is built on decades of network design experience and is replacing WinDEBUT, which has served the industry for over 30 years.
Please click here to find more information about VisNet Design Software: VisNet Design