VisNet® Hub Monitoring
The real-time monitoring device that operates in low voltage distribution substations providing valuable insight into substation efficiency and optimisation. VisNet® Hub works to open your network.
The VisNet® Hub is a radical approach to providing LV network visibility, inviting innovation and paving the way for active network management.
There are countless specifications and strategies being explored and adopted by the UK DNOs based on the outcomes of trials and tests of LV network monitoring. The risk of getting these choices wrong in a rapidly changing world with an uncertain future is high.
The VisNet® Hub de-risks these emerging strategies by implementing widespread monitoring on a standard and open software platform which can flex to accommodate new ideas without incurring the burden of the installation of new equipment. Networks need a robust and future proof data infrastructure which can adapt to a rapid reshaping of the energy sector – LV-CAP (Low Voltage – Common Application Platform) provides this.
The openness of the solution lets network operators deploy solutions from best-of-breed providers (including themselves) to deliver cost-effective gains in performance, planning, load management and network charging.
VisNet® Hub checks voltage and current data on every LV feeder giving insight about load, faults and condition information across the network. This data is critical to network operators having the ability to improve both network flexibility and efficiency together with security and quality of supply as low carbon technologies become more widespread.
EA Technology Detect User Interface and the EA Technology Monitoring Services Centre
Instrumental in the deployment of VisNet® Hub is the Detect UI for the management and tracking of all devices. Detect enables users to visualise and manage the entire fleet of devices installed on the network quickly and easily.
EA Technology also boasts a Monitoring Services Centre which manages both customer and field service interactions.
Both the Detect UI and the EA Technology Monitoring Services Centre are available can be accessed via any web browser.
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