Strategic Asset Management
Implementing Asset Management processes that support our customers to make strategically important investment decisions that effectively achieve their corporate objectives.
As global Asset Management experts, we have continually contributed to the evolution of the discipline of Asset Management, including the development and review of ISO 55000. Strategic Asset Management is concerned with the way in which organisations specify, design, acquire, operate, maintain and intervene with assets that deliver value. The discipline seeks to ensure that business objectives are successfully delivered in a sustainable manner by employing a wide range of asset intervention strategies.
We provide Strategic Asset Management support to organisations that want:
- Assistance with their Strategic Asset Management decisions making
- Assistance to determine
- the health of their assets
- the optimum time for asset interventions/replacement
- how criticality and Probability of Failure can affect prioritisation for asset interventions/replacements
- To implement an Asset Investment Management application
- To demonstrate an advantage over non-compliant competitors
- To realise substantial asset management performance and service improvements
- Optimising asset life, helping to provide considerable bottom line cost savings
We can support customers to design and document whole life cycle asset management systems, strategic asset management plans, policies and procedures which are aligned to your company objectives.

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