Condition Assessment
Condition-based asset management cuts costs by reducing unnecessary maintenance, identifying faults before they become failures, and enhancing strategic planning for repairs and replacement.
Our condition assessment service includes both remote monitoring and on-site options and everything from predictive monitoring to interrogating failures. Find out how we can help you to troubleshoot and plan ahead.

Partial Discharge Monitoring Service
Keeping a cautious eye on your HV assets.

Oil Analysis
Oil condition accurately indicates whether invasive maintenance is required or not.

Failure Investigations
EA Technology provides a wide range of Materials Testing & Analysis services. We are widely recognised for our independence and qu...

Switchgear Condition Assessment
Our expert engineers use proven techniques and experience gained worldwide to measure the condition of substation assets.

Cable Condition Assessment
MV and HV cables can be challenging to manage, hidden from view underground. Use our Cable Condition Assessment service to underst...

Network Infrastructure Visibility
Better visibility of how your network is working makes it easier to understand capacity and accommodate new low-carbon technologie...