Distributed Generation
Distributed generation (DG), from wind farms, solar power and domestic generation systems, is a growing factor in power network design and operation, and can have considerable effects on electricity supply systems.
This course will guide you through the essentials of distributed generation and the impact it has on electricity networks both at low and high voltages. The course will give you detailed knowledge of engineering recommendations, technical requirements for connections (including G98 and G99), operation of networks and network design, as well as giving you an understanding of the commercial issues affecting connection agreements.
The course will consider both the current situation and future potential of distributed generation, using real life case studies, distributed generation modelling software and the latest research and development as reference.

Day one
Distributed Generation
- Background and history
- Reasons for distributed generation
- The changing energy landscape
- Types of distributed generation
- Characteristics of generators
- Technical impact of distributed generation on the network
Connection – DNO Requirements
- Legislation
- G99 update
- Potential connection issues
Connection – Technical Requirements
- Small scale (domestic)
- Larger scale (LV)
- Larger scale (LV)
Day two
- Protection principles
- Specific distributed generation protection requirements
- Case studies
Testing for G98/G99 Compliance
- Overcurrent and earth fault location
- Reverse power
- Voltage and frequency limits
- Loss of mains and “ISLANDING”
Classroom Exercises
- Multiple choice distribution quiz
- What is modelling?
- Modelling for distributed generations
The Future for Distributed Generation
- DNOs’ response to the challenges
- Overview of projects
- What’s next?
Questions and Discussion
Programme may be subject to amendment
Course duration 2 Days
Course Location Capenhurst, Chester
12 Hours
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